Registering applications with OneLogin
Refer to the following page on the OneLogin website for registering a new application.
Okta function for mapping the user profile is shown below.
public class OktaUserProfileMapper implements Loggable, TrilloFunction {
public Object handle(ScriptParameter scriptParameter) {
try {
return _handle(scriptParameter);
} catch (Exception e) {
log().error("Failed", e);
return Result.getFailedResult(e.getMessage());
private Object _handle(ScriptParameter scriptParameter) {
Map<String, Object> idpUser = (Map<String, Object>)scriptParameter.getV();
Map<String, Object> trilloUser = mapUserProfile(idpUser);
return trilloUser;
private Map<String, Object> mapUserProfile(Map<String, Object> idpUser) {
Map<String, Object> trilloUser = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
trilloUser.put("firstName", idpUser.get("given_name"));
trilloUser.put("lastName", idpUser.get("family_name"));
trilloUser.put("externalId", idpUser.get("sub"));
trilloUser.put("emailAddress", idpUser.get("email"));
return trilloUser;