User Roles and Capabilities

Built-in roles and capabilities are listed below:

  • Admin:

    • Can perform any role.

    • Responsible for user/group management.

    • Can add public SSH keys.

  • Editor:

    • Not applicable to FM (Workbench-related).

  • User:

    • Can change their own password.

    • Can upload, delete, and read files via SFTP.

    • Can view and download files on the UI.

    • Can add public SSH keys.

  • UserSFTP:

    • Can only interact via SFTP.

    • Can upload, delete, and read files via SFTP.

    • Cannot access the UI.


    • Can not only interact via UI.

    • Can upload, delete, and read files via UI.

    • Cannot access the SFTP.

  • Viewer:

    • Can only view files on the UI.

    • Can download files from the UI.

    • Cannot upload or delete files.


The account with the name "admin" is the first account created and has the following roles and capabilities:

  • The administrator of user/group management only. The admin user can perform any role related to user and group management, but they do not have any other capabilities.

  • Full access to all GUI settings. The admin user can view and change all of the settings in the user interface.

  • Cannot upload, delete, read, and write files via SFTP.

Last updated