File Manager

Trillo File Manager is an application for managing files on GCP Cloud Storage using UI. It supports secure and HIPAA-compliant file transfers. Its use cases are:

  • Uploading large files to GCP for processing (data ingestion)

  • Backing up files, terra bytes of data backed up by an organization

  • File sharing, a media company shares files with designers

  • Versioning, a company versions AI model files on a cloud storage bucket

  • General management of files on GCP Cloud Storage - organizing in folders, archiving, deletion, copying, rename

  • Gain insight into GCP Cloud Storage usage through several out-of-the-box reports

Its features are as follows.

  • Secure and HIPAA compliant.

  • SFTP for file transfer and automation.

  • Easy to use UI.

  • Deploy in your private cloud on GCP (VPC), ensuring your data belongs to you.

  • Share with group (team) folders.

  • User and group level access control.

  • Create upload and download links for external users.

  • Customizable and extensible.


Providing download links for external users is a common requirement in various business scenarios, such as sharing documents, software, or media files. Ensuring that this process is secure, efficient, and user-friendly is crucial.

Have someone upload it to your folder

Allowing external users to upload files to your folder can be essential for collaboration, data collection, and various business processes. However, it is crucial to ensure that this process is secure, user-friendly, and well-organized.

User Management

User management is a critical aspect of modern software systems, encompassing a range of functionalities that allow administrators to manage user accounts, permissions, and authentication processes. Effective user management ensures that only authorized individuals can access and interact with a system, enhancing security, usability, and compliance with regulatory requirements.


In user management, roles play a pivotal role in defining and controlling access to resources within a software system. By assigning roles to users, administrators can efficiently manage permissions and ensure that users can access only the functionalities and data necessary for their specific duties. This approach enhances security, streamlines operations, and improves compliance with organizational policies.

Group Management

Group management is an integral aspect of user management within software systems, enabling administrators to organize users into groups based on roles, departments, projects, or other criteria. This approach simplifies the administration of permissions and access control, enhances collaboration, and ensures a structured and scalable way to manage users.

SFTP (FileZilla Client)

Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) is a robust method for securely transferring files between systems over a network. Unlike FTP, which transfers data in plain text, SFTP uses SSH (Secure Shell) to encrypt the data, ensuring that the transfer remains secure from eavesdropping and tampering. FileZilla Client is a popular, open-source FTP application that supports SFTP, making it easy for users to transfer files securely.


Incorporating your logo into various aspects of your business operations and materials is a vital part of establishing brand consistency and recognition. Whether it’s on your website, marketing materials, or internal documents, your logo helps to create a unified brand identity that customers and employees can easily recognize and trust.

Add your own public SSH keys

SSH (Secure Shell) keys are a vital component of secure, password-less authentication for accessing servers and other resources over a network. By adding your public SSH key to a server, you can enable secure and streamlined access without the need to enter a password each time.

Cloud Storage

Cloud storage refers to storing data on remote servers accessed via the internet. These servers are maintained and operated by cloud service providers who offer storage solutions to individuals and organizations. Users can store, manage, and access their data from anywhere with an internet connection.

Logs & Audits

Logs and audits are the silent guardians of digital landscapes, diligently recording every digital footprint and transaction. In the realm of cybersecurity and data governance, they serve as invaluable tools for maintaining accountability, ensuring compliance, and investigating incidents.

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