This page describes different Java APIs to retrieve a record (also referred to as object) by primary key, queries.
In the following APIs description when the Result class object is returned, buy default it means the result of failed API invocation. If the Result returns success, it will be noted.
Gets an object of the given class by its primary key (id).
DSApi.get(String className, String id)
className: the name of class as created using the workbench
(correspond to the table)
id: primary key (pass stringified value of the BigInteger/ long value)
Sample Code
//fetch product information from the product table
String className = "shared.common.product";
String id = "12";
Object res = DSApi.get(className, id);
If the object is found then it return a Java Map,
else Result with failed status and message.
queryOne - whereClause (includeDeleted)
Gets an object of the given class by the condition provided in the where clause (constructed with the columns of the same table. For complex SQL queries, use the API with SQL query as a parameter). If multiple are found then the first is returned.
className: the name of class as created using the workbench
(correspond to the table)
whereClause: where-clause of the SQL query.
includeDeleted: consider records marked deleted if a value of 'true is passed.
Sample Code
//fetch one product information from the product table using where filter
String className = "shared.common.product";
String whereClause = "prices is not null";
Boolean includeDeleted = true;
Object res = DSApi.queryOne(className, whereClause);
Object res2 = DSApi.queryOne(className, whereClause, includeDeleted);
If the object is found then it return a Java Map,
else Result.
queryOne - sqlQuery
Gets an object using SQL query. If multiple are found then the first is returned.
DSApi.queryOne(String sqlQuery)
sqlQuery: SQL statement. In an SQL statement, actual table name is specified
(it is typically <className>_tbl). When in doubt, check it using the workbench
Sample Code
//fetch top 1 product information from the product table using query
String sqlQuery = "Select id, prices from product_tbl where prices is not null";
Object res2 = DSApi.queryOne(String sqlQuery)
If the object is found then it return a Java Map,
else Result.
queryMany - whereClause (includeDeleted)
Gets all objects of the given class by the condition provided in the where clause.
className: the name of class as created using the workbench
(correspond to the table)
whereClause: where-clause of the SQL query.
includeDeleted: consider records marked deleted if a value of 'true is passed.
Sample Code
//fetch all product information from the product table using query
String className = "shared.common.product";
String whereClause = "prices is not null";
Boolean includeDeleted = true;
Object res = DSApi.queryMany(className, whereClause);
Object res2 = DSApi.queryMany(className, whereClause, includeDeleted);
Returns a list of objects including zero length error.
If there is an error in the SQL object or any other system error,
Result object is returned.
queryMany (SQL)
Gets all objects returned by the SQL query. This API should be used when you expect the result to be small (up to a few thousand). For a larger data set, use the DataIterator.
DSApi.queryMany(String sqlQuery)
sqlQuery: SQL statement.
Sample Code
//fetch many product information from the product table using query
String sqlQuery = "Select id, prices from product_tbl where prices is not null";
Object res2 = DSApi.queryMany(String sqlQuery)
Returns a list of objects including zero length error.
If there is an error in the SQL object or any other system error,
Result object is returned.
Retrieve the tenant details by searching its name.
DSApi.tenantByName(String tenantName)
tenantName: name of the tenant
Sample Code
//fetch tenant results based on tenantName
String tenantName = "<tenantName>";
Object res2 = DSApi.tenantByName(String tenantName)
the object representing the details
get the tenant details by executing a query.
DSApi.tenantByName(String query)
query: query to be executed
Sample Code
//fetch results based on tenantName
String tenantName = "<tenantName>";
Object res2 = DSApi.tenantByName(String tenantName)
tenant details
Returns user information by its ID
DSApi.getUser(String id)
id: id of the user
Sample Code
//fetch user details using id of user
String id = "abc";
Object res = DSApi.getUser(String id)
user object
Returns the user information with associated email
DSApi.userByEmail(String email)
email: email of the user
Sample Code
//fetch user details using email
String email = "";
Object res = DSApi.userByEmail(String email)
user object
Returns the user with the ID
DSApi.userByUserId(String userId)
Sample Code
//get user details using the userId
String userId = "{ID_OF_USER}";
Object res = DSApi.userByUserId(String userId);
user object
Returns the value of the key associated with the provided type
DSApi.valueByKey(String key, String type)
Sample Code
//fetch value associated with a provided type
String key = "{KEY}";
String type = "{TYPE}";
Object res = DSApi.valueByKey(key, type);