className: the name of class as created using the workbench
(correspond to the table)
ids: rows needed to be modified
attrName: the name of the column
value: the value of inside the column for the specific row
auditMsg: any informational message
Sample Code
String className = "shared.common.product";
List<String> ids = new ArrayList<>();
String attrName = "price";
Integer value = 700;
Object res = DSApi.updateMany(className, ids, attrName, value);
Update by executing a query on the table. βit takes partial query which is the embellished with where clauses.
className: the name of class as created using the workbench
(correspond to the table)
query: represents the filtering criteria
updateAttrs: update map for the attributes
auditMsg: informational message
Sample Code
String className = "shared.common.product";
Map<String, Object> updateParam = new HashMap<>();
updateParam.put("deleted", true);
Object res = DSApi.updateByQuery(className, "", updateParam);
Execute a stored procedure or SQL string. The statement is prepared for execution.β Use this method when you're specifying the full statement.