Getting a List of Customer Records

If the access token is obtained successfully, redirect the user to the Customers screen of the application. When the customers page is loaded, call the GET_CUSTOMERS api to get a list of all the customers.

Request URL:

Customer Record Overview

Showing customer records on the screen involves creating a user-friendly and secure experience. Below are key points to consider when implementing a "Customer Records" screen:

  • Design the customer record screen to provide a concise and organized overview. Include key information, such as:

    • Customer names

    • Email, Phone

    • Address

    • Status (Active, Inactive)

Search Customer By Name

  • Implement search options to help users quickly find specific customer records based on customer names.


  • If the customer record list is extensive, pagination is implemented to display records in smaller, more manageable chunks.

Customer Record Code Snippet

getCustomerList(incommingStart, incommingSize) {
   this.bLoader = true;
   let body = {
     start: incommingStart,
     size: incommingSize
     next: (result: any) => {
       if (result.status === "success") {
         this.customersList =;
         this.totalSize =;
         this.temp = [...this.customersList]
         this.bLoader = false;
     error: (error) => {
     complete: () => { },

Code Description

This TypeScript function, getCustomerList, is designed to retrieve a list of customers from a data service. Here's a breakdown of its functionality:

Loading Indicator

  • Sets this.bLoader to true, presumably to indicate that data is being loaded.

Request Body Preparation

  • Creates a body object containing start and size properties based on the provided incommingStart and incommingSize parameters.

API Request

  • Calls the GetCustomerLists method of this.dataService to get a list of customers.

  • Subscribes to the observable returned by the GetCustomerLists method.

Response Handling

In the next callback:

Checks if the response status is "success".

  • If successful, updates the local this.customersList with the customer data from the response (

  • Sets this.totalSize to the total data size from the response (

  • Creates a copy of the customer list in this.temp.

  • Sets this.bLoader to false, indicating the end of the loading process.

Error Handling

In the error callback:

  • Logs the error to the console using console.error.

Last updated