Trillo Workbench APIs
This document gives an overview of Trillo Workbench restful APIs and how a client uses them. Trillo Workbench API Playground provides a much greater details, documentation and examples.
Last updated
This document gives an overview of Trillo Workbench restful APIs and how a client uses them. Trillo Workbench API Playground provides a much greater details, documentation and examples.
Last updated
Like any other APIs, using Trillo Workbench APIs is a two step process.
Obtain an access token.
Invoke APIs by passing access token.
The entire process is covered in a greater detail in the following document - .
Here, a summary is repeated for a quick reference.
There are two options to obtain an access token.
During login - Login can happen using Trillo Workbench as an authentication provider. Or, it may happen using an external identity provider.
Using API Credentials - API credentials are issued by Trillo Workbench. A client uses them to obtain access token.
Once the client obtains the access token, it can invoke any Workbench API by passing access token in the header as Authorization header. See Trillo Workbench Guide for more details.
This section provides an overview of Trillo Workbench APIs by listing their categories with descriptions.
Data Source (DSApi)
Database APIs for CRUD, bulk, batch, pagination, query using SQL operations.
Function (FuncApi)
API to invoke a method of a serverless function.
Folder and File Management (FolderApi)
APIs for folders, files operations - upload, download, move, copy, rename, delete, etc. These APIs are agnostic to storage - bucket, local file systems or even GDrive. There is some overlap with StorageApis.
Document Management (DocApi)
APIs for operations on documents - upload, download, execute workflows, semantic search, QnA, summarization, etc. Since documents are organized in logical folders, it includes APIs for folder operations such as move, copy, rename, delete, etc.
Storage Operations (StorageApi)
Cloud bucket related operations such as copy file from and to a bucket to local file systems, file within bucket, generate signed URLs. It has some overlap with FolderApi.
Big Query (BigQueryApi)
APIs against BigQuery - list tables of dataset, retrieve metadata (schema) of table, create table, import / export files, execute query, etc.
Distributed Memory Cache (CacheApi)
APIs for storing and retrieving a value by its key in a memory cache. This cache is distributed and available to Trillo Workbench and its serverless functions running on different nodes (across zones, regions).
CSV File Operations (CsvApi)
APIs to read, write CSV files on a bucket. APIs to iterate through a very large CSV file.
Metadata management (MetaApi)
CRUD APIs for metadata - database, schema, class (table), function, domain metadata, queries, etc.
Email operations (EmailApi)
APIs to send emails.
User Authentication (UserAuthApi)
This is a set of APIs that are called during authentication process i.e. prior to authorization. Therefore these APIs mostly have "_preauthsvc" in the path. They don't require access token. The set of APIs include, singup, forgot password, reset password from the email link, send pin code for 2FA, verify pin code, retrieve application configuration for UI rendering, etc.
User Management (UMApi)
Admin APIs for the user, role, group management. These APIs include CRUD operations on user, role, group classes. Other APIs are such as change password, suspend user, add members, etc.
Data source APIs are defined on the tables. They can be accessed after selecting a table under data source as shown below. You can also view document of the API by clicking on 'Documentation' link.
Function APIs, to invoke a method, are defined on individual function. They are accessible by selecting Functions > function name and API tab as shown below. There are a few function APIs such as running a function as a task. They are accessible under API Playground (see below).
The API Playground, conveniently located within the Trillo Workbench UI, serves as your interactive hub for exploring and testing various APIs. Here's how it works:
Browse and Select: Navigate through the categorized list of APIs to find the one you need.
View Comprehensive Documentation: Access detailed information about each API, including:
Endpoint URL
Response structure
Exercise It: Interact with the API directly within the Playground to test its functionality and observe its behavior.
Please see below for the layout.
An example documentation of the API is shown below.