Deploying Workbench

Let's Deploy Workbench in your GCP Project.

Major Steps

  • Create a new GCP project and associate it with your GCP billing account

  • Download GCP Marketplace license

  • Create the deployment machine

  • Get the deployment files from the github repo

  • Configure the Workbench deployment

  • Install the Workbench

Create a new GCP project

  • Go to the Google cloud console ( and create a new GCP project.

  • Make sure that the new project is associated with your billing account and it is not under evaluation. You will need to set it as a paid account

  • When you are inside the project then make sure you have at least one VPC network. If you see that a default network is created by the Google cloud then you are all set. Otherwise create a network and name it as a default.

Download marketplace license

Create deployer machine

You will need the deployed machine to deploy the workbench in your project. You can install one workbench application in a GCP project. On the GCP console, Start a new Cloud Shell and run the following command. Please wait until this command is fully executed.

gsutil cp gs://trillo-public/wkbench/ . && chmod +x ./ && ./

The cloud shell will appear upright underneath the GCP console as shown below.

At the end of this command, a virtual machine will be created that has a name similar to trillo-deployer-<project-id>

Locate the deployer machine ad click the SSH button to get inside the deployer machine as shown below.

Once you are inside the machine, click on the UPLOAD FILE button to upload the license file into your home directly inside the machine.

Get the Deployment Files from the Github

Run this following command to get the deployment file from the public repository. Being a public repository, no special access is needed to download these files.

git clone ./trillo

Once it is download it then the home folder will be ~/google-gke-deployer/deployment

Configure the Workbench deployment

The deployment configuration is provided in the shell script

  • You must provide the name of the server including the domain (eg: wb.domain)

  • Once the installation is complete then update the DNS A records for the two names (eg: wb.domain and api.wb.domain)

  • Change the region and zones if needed. Everything will be created in the specific zone and the region afterwards.

  • If a default Google cloud project is created, there is no need to change the network and subnetwork configurations.

  • The rest of it can be left as is for the successful installation of the workbench.

Install the Workbench

  • Make sure you are ssh-ed into the deployer machine

  • Copy the license file from the home folder of the deployer machine to the deployment folder as follows

cd ~/google-gke-deployer/deployment

cp ~/license.yaml ./4-gke

  • cd to the deployment folder (as above) and run the script ./

  • The installation will start the scripts and run for more than 15 mins. It will provision the followings

    • GCP Services

    • Reserve IP addresses for the Workbench frontend and backend servers.

    • Create the bucket for file storage.

    • Provision MYSQL 8 server for data storage

    • Provision Redis for caching

    • Optionally provision nodes for secure file transfer.

    • Finally, install all microservices in the kubernetes cluster. It will provision the external load balancer for the frontend and backend servers with managed secure certificates.

  • Once the installation is complete then the scripts and the configuration results are all copied to the newly provisioned cloud storage bucket. The configuration results include the default admin credentials.

  • The load balancer will take around another 15+ minutes to stabilize but notice that it will not be able to retrieve valid security certificates until unless the DNS records are updated. Therefore proceed to update your DNS A records by looking at the IP address reserved for the Workbench frontend and backend servers. IP addresses are derived from the following page.

  • Keep checking the URL (eg. wb.domain) inside the browser till the main login screen is observed. You can jump through the main URL and the login screen from the Google cloud console as below.

  • This is how the login screen looks like. The default admin credentials are provided on the last screen once the installation is complete.

  • Once you're inside the workbench then create a new user from the following screen. Notice that the admin account is not meant to operate the workbench. The newly created users will be able to operate all functions of the workbench.

Additional notes

Last updated